Line Dance Connection:

What's your name? Do you have any dance nicknames that you're known by?

Cheryl Williams:

My name is Cheryl Williams and I’m known as The Line Dance Queen



Line Dance Connection:

Where are you from and what city do you call home?

Cheryl Williams:

I am from Houston, TX where I have lived all my life.



Line Dance Connection:

What do you do in your professional life? Any hobbies outside of dance?

Cheryl Williams:

I am a full time Analyst for an Oil and Gas Company and I enjoy interior decorating as a hobby.



Line Dance Connection:

So what do they call this dance craze in your home town? Line Dancing, Hustling, Sliding, Other?

Cheryl Williams:

What a lot of people from other states don’t know is Houston, TX has been line dancing since the early 70’s it was called 4 Corners back during that time. Any dance that was made up was called 4 Corners which was a dance that someone would just randomly get up and make up on the dance floor and everyone would follow. All the line dances at that time were called this with no additional name to them. Now the dance craze is called Line Dancing and each dance has its own unique name.



Line Dance Connection:

Are you affiliated with any group or groups?

Cheryl Williams:

I am the organizer and leader of The Line Dance Queen and The Royal Court



Line Dance Connection:

How long have you been dancing?

Cheryl Williams:

I am 56 now and have been dancing most of my life.  I have been line dancing for over 40 years and I also Swingout, and 2Step on a professional level.



Line Dance Connection:

How did you get involved in dancing?

Cheryl Williams:

I got involved with dancing doing school talent shows and dancing at neighborhood parties.  I started out doing Swingout, and 2Stepping then progressed to line dancing while in Jr. High School



Line Dance Connection:

After you attended your very first class, how did you feel?

Cheryl Williams:

I have never taken any type of dance class, I am just a natural dancer.



Line Dance Connection:

How did you get into choreography?                                               

Cheryl Williams:

I started making up my own dances about 10 years ago after one of my girlfriends suggested that I give it a try.



Line Dance Connection:

How many dances have you created and what was the very first dance you created?

Cheryl Williams:

I have created aprox. 100 line dances although I stopped counting long ago.  On avg. I create about 3 a week however only a small portion of those ever get seen.  My mind is always creating dances and sometimes, if I forget to teach a new dance I’ve created……..portions of it often end up in a new brand line dance I'll think of later on.



Line Dance Connection:

Of all your dances which one would you say is your favorite?

Cheryl Williams:

I love all my dances equally...I really can’t pick one.



Line Dance Connection:

In your own words, what makes dancing special?

Cheryl Williams:

Dancing is an art form that makes people feel just as good as the music it’s done to, if not better.  It can make you feel lively, young, sexy, hot and a bunch of other positive emotions.  I can’t think of another talent that I would rather possess.



Line Dance Connection:

If you could change one thing about dancing, what would it be?

Cheryl Williams:

I would not change anything.  Dance is constantly moving forward so change naturally comes and evolves in its own time.



Line Dance Connection:

Tell me one thing about yourself that the dance community would find surprising.

Cheryl Williams:

I mentioned this above but those that do not know me seem to be surprised when they find out how old I am.  Based on those spins and turns in my videos...I guess they think I am a lot younger than I am! LOL