Line Dance Connection:

What's your name? Do you have any dance nicknames that you're known by?

Monica Bizzle:

My name is Monica M. Bizzle and I’m also known as "PRYMETYME".



Line Dance Connection:

Where are you from and what city do you call home?

Monica Bizzle:

I am from Louisville, KY and it’s still my home.



Line Dance Connection:

What do you do in your professional life? Any hobbies outside of dance?

Monica Bizzle:

In my professional life, I’m an Accounting Coordinator.


Outside of dance I wear several hats, which I call my hobbies.  I’m also an Event Planner, Wedding Coordinator and Caterer.



Line Dance Connection:

So what do they call this dance craze in your home town? Line Dancing, Hustling, Sliding, Other?

Monica Bizzle:

We call it Line Dancing.



Line Dance Connection:

Are you affiliated with any group or groups?

Monica Bizzle:

Yes, I’m the Founder and President of Louisville Slyde.



Line Dance Connection:

How long have you been dancing?

Monica Bizzle:

I have been dancing for 13 years.



Line Dance Connection:

How did you get involved in dancing?

Monica Bizzle:

A lady named Brenda moved to Louisville from Ohio and was teaching line dances at a local night club here in Louisville. I attended the classes frequently, Once she moved, another Lady in Louisville, Helen "HOTTLEGGS" Metcalf continued to teach. Eventually I started teaching. Then I met Ziggy, Page, Shanika, Stephanie & Ali at a dance in Louisville sponsored by Lynn Durrett formerly of Indianapolis, and they gave me information on United We Dance.  I was able to convince 6 people from Louisville to attend UWD that year (2005) in Indianapolis, and the rest is dance history.



Line Dance Connection:

After you attended your very first class, how did you feel?

Monica Bizzle:

I felt so enthusiastic….I couldn't wait til the next one.



Line Dance Connection:

How did you get into choreography?                                               

Monica Bizzle:

After hosting Louisville Slyde monthly meetings in my basement and learning dances from other groups……the creative juices started to kick in.



Line Dance Connection:

How many dances have you created and what was the very first dance you created?

Monica Bizzle:

I've only created 5 dances of on my own but I have collaborated on many with Jerome and other Louisville Slyde members.


My first dance was "Don’t Do It" to "No Parking On The Dance Floor” by Midnight Star.



Line Dance Connection:

Of all your dances which one would you say is your favorite?

Monica Bizzle:

My favorite dance and most popular is “Hypnotized" to "Hypnotiq" by Selena Johnson.



Line Dance Connection:

In your own words, what makes dancing special?

Monica Bizzle:

Dancing is special to me because it is a stress reliever.  When I'm dancing I'm in my own little world and I set all of my troubles aside.  Dancing is also special because you meet some fun & interesting people who have a similar love and passion as you "DANCING"!





Line Dance Connection:

If you could change one thing about dancing, what would it be?

Monica Bizzle:

Honestly, right now “NO MORE NEW DANCES TO BE CREATED FOR 1 YEAR". LOL Let’s get caught up on what’s already out there.



Line Dance Connection:

Tell me one thing about yourself that the dance community would find surprising.

Monica Bizzle:

I was very shy, quiet and reserved as a young girl, teenager and young lady.  Look what dancing has done to me.  LOL