Line Dance Connection:

What's your name? Do you have any dance nicknames that you're known by?

Perry Warmack:

My Name is Perry Warmack, dance names are Flyguy or PWeeeezy



Line Dance Connection:

Where are you from and what city do you call home?

Perry Warmack:

Home is where the heart is and that will forever be Detroit, MI. However I just recently relocated to the east coast DMV area Washington, DC.



Line Dance Connection:

What do you do in your professional life? Any hobbies outside of dance?

Perry Warmack:

In my professional life....... #pause *looks around and whispers* come in closer.... I moved to DC to become a Gladiator and join Pope and Associates, now don't tell anyone ;)  LOL  No really I'm just a hard worker at a major company on my climb to the top.


Hummmmmmm, well dancing is my number one hobby but other than that I am a big music lover and I love to shop!!! Like seriously I have a problem -_- don't judge me. I like to help friends/family with their wardrobe so you can say I'm a personal stylist. J



Line Dance Connection:

So what do they call this dance craze in your home town? Line Dancing, Hustling, Sliding, Other?

Perry Warmack:

Back home in Detroit we call it Hustling, but over here in the DMV we call it Line Dancing.



Line Dance Connection:

Are you affiliated with any group or groups?

Perry Warmack:

"DPK" and everyone always ask what DPK stands for……well it’s Detroit Professional K...... Oooooops never mind lmboooooooo……No really it stands for "Dem Pesky Kidz" and we are surly a pesky bunch *side grin*.



Line Dance Connection:

How long have you been dancing?

Perry Warmack:

I've been dancing since I was very young…..around 5 or 6 years old. Jazz, hip hop and a little ballet. I’ve been line dancing for about 8 years.



Line Dance Connection:

How did you get involved in dancing?

Perry Warmack:

I would say it just came natural for me…..I was always dancing and bouncing around the house. I can remember when I was younger I was the entertainment for family as they would put on music and just ask me to dance in middle of the floor. #greatmemories.


As far as hustling growing up all I ever knew was the "Stevie Wonder hustle" LOL (it's sad I still don't know the real name of the dance).  I always heard there were more dances like it, so I asked some friends and we attended our very first hustle class with Ms. Melody (RIP) L awesome woman, and I began to learn all the new dances there every Thursday night.



Line Dance Connection:

After you attended your very first class, how did you feel?

Perry Warmack:

I honestly felt lost, I was use to choreography but not when it was repeated over and over LOL so it was challenging but I think I got the hang of it now J.



Line Dance Connection:

How did you get into choreography?                                               

Perry Warmack:

It was random I was in someone's basement and the song played and I stated putting moves together I liked and there you have it…..a finished dance.



Line Dance Connection:

How many dances have you created and what was the very first dance you created?

Perry Warmack:

Hmmmm let's see I've created/co created 8 dances, my first dance I created was "Show Me What?" Teach Me How To Dougie.



Line Dance Connection:

Of all your dances which one would you say is your favorite?

Perry Warmack:

Hummmm my favorite dance..... I would have to say 2 of them.... "TP Bang" co-created with my #1 dance partner Tiffany "Michelle" Lewis (DPK member) and "Rated PR" co-created with Rashan Clyburn (Philly). I feel as though with these two dances I was able to challenge myself and others who do the dance with different and unique moves, attempting to raise the bar of the normal 1, 2 steps in line dance.



Line Dance Connection:

In your own words, what makes dancing special?

Perry Warmack:

Dancing gives you that freedom to express yourself freely, when I'm on the floor I go into a zone and I dance like I'm the only one out there. It feels amazing, defiantly an outlet.



Line Dance Connection:

If you could change one thing about dancing, what would it be?

Perry Warmack:

Honestly nothing.... I take that back I would say the "competition complex" I don't take line dance at any way or form of competition. Some are hooked on who does the dance better or who makes the best dances, and who’s getting the center stage on the floor but in all everyone is unique in their movements and that's what makes line dancing fun. Moral of the story JUST DANCE and have FUN period.



Line Dance Connection:

Tell me one thing about yourself that the dance community would find surprising.

Perry Warmack:

I'm a proud member of the BeyHive J Yes I'm a Beyoncé fanatic!!!!!!! I love her, her artistry, and would be VERY offended if you talk about her in my presence....... No I'm serious I will be very upset if you talk about her :|  She's not a God…..I'm not that extreme now! But she is an amazing entertainer, vocalist and artist and I adore everything about her. Now I'm sure everyone knew that already though. LOL